Saturday 3 March 2012

Starkey Misses The Point.....

David Starkey, in his usual arrogant and dangerously nationalistic way, has missed the point.  Easy to do when you are as egotistical as he is I suppose.
The reason why nations that we 'liberate' hate us is because we try to impose out cultural, social, economical and political values upon them.  We did it worldwide in building the 'empire' and we are doing it now in the middle east.
Starkey suffers the same disease as our politicians and mandarins do, that of presumption!
Presumption that what we do as a nation is the right and proper way to do things and live.  What all these people fail to notice is that as a nation we are shagged!  Always have been and always will be due to our arrogance.  Even our democracy is a sham and a mockery of the word.


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