Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Faux sacrificial lambskins.....

Rebekah Brooks and now James Murdoch have both been sacrificed upon the altar of that control freak megalomaniac god Rupert Murdoch.
Though it is difficult to decide whether he is suffering from megalomania or is just an evil bastard.  I suspect the later because his power and wealth are not delusional and he doesn't have a lust or craving for power - he HAS the power!!!
However, both sacrifices were in fact illusional I am sure.  One does have to wonder who, within the boundaries of Westminster, threatened to blow the lid off the whole business if young James didn't 'move on' and be made to appear to be ridden with guilt and remorse, and unable to stay in this country.  Guilty men always run don't they?
What surprises me is Rupert is creating all these smokescreens to try and divert attention from the world discovering just how deep in the sewer he lives!!
Well I for one wont fall for it!!  Next step, maybe a Robert Maxwell type disappearance? Lets see.

Todays Round-up from Huffington Post UK, The Independent, and the Daily Mail...

Ban Patronising Language In Care of Elderly
What a load of bbbbbbbb..... balderdash!!!  The only two things offensive is the use of 'bed-blocker' and the attitude that we all have to be nice to everyone all the time.  It is just so unnatural you soft-headed do-gooders!!!  And why have you not included such terms as 'Pop' or 'Dad' or 'Old-stick', Grandad' - oh its because your prejudiced against men is it?  Pah!!!!

We won't give US advance warning of Iran strike, says Israel
I am pleased to see an Amercican President who is prepared to not moronically and automatically expressing their support for Israel.  Obama obviously doesn't live in fear of US jews - certainly the first President in my lifetime who isn't a puppet for the sharks of Manhattan and Washington.
Israel gets no support from me since I saw them use a targeted missile to blow up a disabled man in a wheelchair and brag about it unrepentantly.  And no it makes no difference to me that the man was a terrorist leader - that was unforgivable.

Science vs God
Have you noticed how someone who opposes belief in God is a scientist, or an evolutionist, but someone who believes is in God is religious or nutcase?


Have you also noticed how people who do not believe in a deity are never asked to prove it - but say you do believe and the demands to prove it are incessant!!
I consider non-belief as much a religion as belief - it is a system for lifestyle - neither can proved or dis-proved because both are matters of faith!

'It makes me happy when I can make someone angry'
Only one thing to say to this story:  Broadmoor!!

You definitely can't park here!
Only one thing to say to this story:  Broadmoor!!

The Sexual Revolution Rolls on....

Older mothers fuelling biggest ever baby boom
Modern day relationships between the sexes are different from when I was a lad.  I cant speak with very much authority on how 16 year olds view relationships except to say that I do have 4 granddaughters aged from 10 - 16 and two daughters in their mid-twenties and two grandsons who are 13 and 17.

My observations today, are that sexual experience is not as highly rated (by 16yr olds) as it was when I was 16 (40 years ago) and that there are more 'genuine' relationships between the sexes in that sort of age group today.
Of course sexual experimentation does still go on but it is more measured and calculating these days.

Parental (and grandparental?) influences, or lack of them, still play a major part in a child' perception of sex, its purposes and practices.

It is interesting to observe that the rebellious generation, those who were teenagers in the late 70's and early 80's have continued to rebel against society's norms in their 30's and 40's with extra-marital affairs and and multiple divorces.

The 'hippy' generation, teenagers from the 60's and early 70's,  have continued their practice of free love and sexual freedom but usually only when free to do so.  Those who have had cause to divorce their partner, or who's partner has died, and have remained single have reverted to a 'free love' scenario with practices that have become known as 'friends with benefits', 'fuck buddies' etc etc..

I suspect that the teenagers of the late 2010's and 20's will be 'victorian' in their practices with everything hidden behind behind closed doors and long skirts.

This article is written from observations and research amongst people I know and invariably is a generalisation. I would be pleased to read your comments of your observations within your circle of friends.

Save Eric Joyce.....

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

A Prayer for your Enemies....

The Joys of Fuel Taxation....

We're the fuel tax capital of Europe
I do not want to get involved in pointless debates about semantics or whether our fuel is most expensive, highest taxed etc..  I just want to simply address an issue that seems to miss many people.
Have you noticed how all the local, regional and national government authorities and agencies have cut their services due to cut budgets?  I am not an economist but I suspect that in real terms, overall, this has been happening since the reign started of the wicked queen of Downing Street (Margaret Thatcher for those that have only just returned from a time warp experience).
Why would this be so?  Well, apart from consistently rising unemployment since that time, revenue to the Exchequer has been falling, overall, due to something like 75% of smokers from that period having given up smoking.  That is an awful lot of cash missing from the governments revenue.  A favourite saying of mine is that true patriots are smokers.  We alone pay for the NHS, with a surplus, from the taxation we pay for our pleasure.
So when revenues dropped, taxation on the remaining smokers has increased in % terms and a larger burden has fallen on fuel taxation to replace the shortfall.  The do-gooders in society are still plugging away at the 'no smoking' agenda, persecuting the true patriots, and intimidating them into stopping paying tax via their lifestyle pleasure.
Everyone hates the 'bible bashers' that persecute non-christians with threats of hell and damnation and this species has radically declined in number over the years - only to be replaced by 'smoker-bashers' who preach a similar message with threats of death and disease.  Non of which has been proved scientifically to be true but is a mere statistical whimsy.  Closer to the truth is the scientific fact that everyone who has died or suffered due to cancer have all breathed air!!! But I digress.
Fuel taxation is a (if not the) main provider of revenue for this nation.  If it were not so high, then something else would be.  Maybe more cash cow speed cameras?  Seeing we are supposedly a nation suffering the joys of obesity maybe a fat tax? or a burger tax? Kebab duty?
Men, women, and young people, all around the country, from every class and situation are protesting at 'the cuts' - imagine how much worse those cuts would need to be if fuel tax was reduced?  Cash cow speed cameras, fat tax, burger tax and Kebab duty would become a reality.
Personally I agree with higher fuel taxation.  There I have said it.  But hate fuel taxation.  I used to love driving, I have done it for a living, I have been a driver for almost 40 years and I am reduced to not being able to afford to run a car anymore.  I have one at the moment which is used for food shopping.  £10 of fuel lasts about 3 months.  But if the government didn't raise taxes by this method it would just move the burden elsewhere.  Those that use their cars most should pay most too.  However I do agree with reducing rates for commercial vehicles.  I suspect I will be well hated for saying that commercial vehicles are NOT cars used by salesmen etc..  If they want reduced rates then let them drive car derived vans.
If the option is between losing services and raising fuel taxation, then raise it.  I would rather be a caring society than a driving society.  We can always return to horse and cart (not to mention shank's pony), we cannot return to life those who have died because of illness, disability and cold and who were neglected in their hours of need!!

Monday, 27 February 2012

Todays Round-up of Headlines from The Independent....

Lib Dem peers urge changes to NHS reform bill
I am so sick of reading about the Lib Dems.  They have no power, no leverage and not respected enough to urge their partners to have sex let alone influence government.  They sold their soul to the Devil called conservatism for a thing called power and castrated themselves in the process.

Over 9 million could be living in fuel poverty by 2016
First of all I don't know what the definition of fuel poverty is; but if it is akin to freezing your bollocks off because you cant afford to heat your home, then we have probably already reached the 9 million.
I am also quite sure that all the green scaremongers with their global warming climate changing crap are 90% responsible for having hundreds, maybe thousands of deaths, on their consciences.

Critic of Health Bill claims Lansley 'smear'
and...?????   what else do you expect from politicians???

West Country gets £50 bill rebates for beach cleaning
And so we should!  For years we have paid for millions to come and enjoy our beaches and drink our water when they come on holiday, and the majority of us gain no direct benefit for cost of making the waters around the westcountry the most pleasant in the country.  My opinion is that the hotels and campsites etc should pay a bed tax for occupied beds and then the costs for the resort's facilities for holidaymakers can be passed onto the those who benefit most directly.

Would you buy a secondhand car from this man?  
So why on earth do we allow him to have his 
fingers in the cash box of this country!!

What a beautiful picture of innocence in this wicked world.

Todays Round-up of Headlines from the Daily Fail....

How Livingstone used loophole to avoid paying £50,000 in tax 
A case of 'do as I say not as I do' - nothing special here - just a typical hypocritical politician!!

'What would happen if I had a scarf over my face?': Nightmare of Fireman Sam creator branded a racist over quip to airport security
I don't find anything newsworthy here other than we allow muslims to work in frontline roles at airports - astonishing!

Take on Lib Dems on economic reforms, Fox urges Cameron
No need to 'take them on' Dave, just wiggle your little finger!!

Children in Chinese sweatshops 'made Olympic badges for 6p an hour'
Hey, they call this work experience in the UK, except the Chinese pay their youngsters 6x what we pay ours!

Falklands task force plan 'ready' if Argentina threatens to invade again
Wonder if it will takes us 2 weeks to get there again!!

Hate preacher Abu Qatada will cost us £5m-a-year... that's 100 times the cost of keeping him in jail
Can't make up my mind about this business.  Why should we  pay all this money for keeping an eye on this murderous waste of space - but there again - why should we compromise our conscience by keeping untried people in jail for years on end let alone keep meeting the cost!  Why can't we just chuck him in the baggage hold like the trash he is and dump him over his homeland?
Be so much easier if his guards could mistime their tea breaks and all go off for 5 minutes while the Americans' knock him off - they are good at stuff like that!

Sunday, 26 February 2012

This Fascist Coalition Government

So, the Tories have finally shown their true colours by ordering the police to halt the demonstrations across the country against companies that have taken or thinking of taking on young people as 'free labour' or as the government would call it work experience.

Full article here: Tories order police to halt workfare demos.....

On the same subject, there is an excellent piece in the Guardian's 'Comment is Free' section ( work placement schemes structure ) on how work placement schemes could be structured to positive effect - and if memory is not totally letting me down this was very similar to how it was operated during the 70's to great effect.

The extent to which this government is working and escalating the scheme can be seen in another Guardian article ( Work for free and 'be of benefit'..... ).  This highlights the exploitation of young people and how what was supposed to be a benefit to the public sector (councils hospitals etc.) now benefits mainly private sector businesses.
I guess we should not be surprised at this - we do have the most right-wing coalition in our history, in power at this time.  Who on earth would have ever thought we could associate liberal democracy with Fascism or dictatorship?