Wednesday 29 February 2012

Faux sacrificial lambskins.....

Rebekah Brooks and now James Murdoch have both been sacrificed upon the altar of that control freak megalomaniac god Rupert Murdoch.
Though it is difficult to decide whether he is suffering from megalomania or is just an evil bastard.  I suspect the later because his power and wealth are not delusional and he doesn't have a lust or craving for power - he HAS the power!!!
However, both sacrifices were in fact illusional I am sure.  One does have to wonder who, within the boundaries of Westminster, threatened to blow the lid off the whole business if young James didn't 'move on' and be made to appear to be ridden with guilt and remorse, and unable to stay in this country.  Guilty men always run don't they?
What surprises me is Rupert is creating all these smokescreens to try and divert attention from the world discovering just how deep in the sewer he lives!!
Well I for one wont fall for it!!  Next step, maybe a Robert Maxwell type disappearance? Lets see.

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