Sunday 26 February 2012

This Fascist Coalition Government

So, the Tories have finally shown their true colours by ordering the police to halt the demonstrations across the country against companies that have taken or thinking of taking on young people as 'free labour' or as the government would call it work experience.

Full article here: Tories order police to halt workfare demos.....

On the same subject, there is an excellent piece in the Guardian's 'Comment is Free' section ( work placement schemes structure ) on how work placement schemes could be structured to positive effect - and if memory is not totally letting me down this was very similar to how it was operated during the 70's to great effect.

The extent to which this government is working and escalating the scheme can be seen in another Guardian article ( Work for free and 'be of benefit'..... ).  This highlights the exploitation of young people and how what was supposed to be a benefit to the public sector (councils hospitals etc.) now benefits mainly private sector businesses.
I guess we should not be surprised at this - we do have the most right-wing coalition in our history, in power at this time.  Who on earth would have ever thought we could associate liberal democracy with Fascism or dictatorship?

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